Learn (more) about and prepare yourself for Rewilding!

Heading out into the "wild" is often an expensive endeavor and perhaps also a somewhat scary one. We offer you a possibility to get to know more, discuss rewilding related topics, read, and talk about what you have read and discovered so far.

Join us and get inspired. And find out where you want to go – what you want to do - if you are thinking about going on a Rewilding trip.

It is also of course, a course for those of you who have already been "out there" - to keep learning and planning future Rewilding adventures!

Rewilding is not only for the wild – it can be done "at home" too. Everything that brings us closer to nature – is in some sense "rewilding".

We offer you an 8-week online course – where each week has a topic. The course contains suggested reading (books and articles) and links to videos and films. We will pick and choose from this vast material - according to everyone's interests.

Rewilding is a huge topic – and one of the things we will bring up, is the rewilding of ourselves, as well as the environment – without these 2 pillars – it will become hard to maintain and support wild, feral, rewilded horses, other animals (or beings) or even rewilding efforts at home.

We also talk about the steps in rewilding – where to start?


Katarina Lundgren

Rewilding Your Heart

“We do not need more science. We need a new mind-set and social movement that is transformational and centers on empathy, compassion, and being proactive. By rewilding our hearts, we focus on building strong and intimate connections with nature, and these experiences are essential for effective social change. This is deep work. “

— Marc Bekoff

Course Structure

We meet 8 times, starting October 8, once a week at 7 PM CET, until November 26.

The 8 dates for meeting are: October 8, October 15, October 22, October 29, November 5, November 12, November 19 and November 26.

We will record our meetings - so if you miss one of them, you can watch the recording later.

Cost: 145 Euros - for 8 hours of new perspectives, knowledge, new friends, inspiration, new ideas, new insights - and some great discussions + all the written and recorded material in the course (which is quite extensive).

These are the topics for the 8 weeks:

1.      Introduction - What kind of course is this – and how does it work? Science vs Experience (and other ways of knowing besides science). The ecological approach and Ecodynamics.

2.      The Human & the Lenses We See Through - Who are We? Who are You? – Background (What are Your Lenses?). Anthropomorphism – Humanizing. The Human – Our Humanness/Humanity. The Human Animal - and How Animals See Us

3.      The Horse(s) - Who are They? – The Horse – Who is the Horse? As a Study Object – as a Living Subject. What is Equine Welfare? & Wellbeing? Feral-Living Horses - Where are They?

4.      The Human-Horse Relationship – What is a Relationship? The Human-Horse Relationship – Through Space & Time

5.      Environment - Umwelt – Nature & Culture – Horses as “Other Nations”. Culture – Horse Cultures vs Horse People Cultures – Nature vs Culture. Animal and Nature Ethics - Ethics, Morals, and Guidelines. The Anthropocene

6.      Rewilding - What is it? – Rewilding of Ourselves. Rewilding of Our Horses. Rewilding of the Environment. Rewilding as a Stepwise Process - Where Do I Start?

7.      Nature Assisted Mindfulness (NAM), Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy – Experiential Learning. Ecopsychology & Sustainability. Ecotherapy & Human Mental Health. Other "Green" (or Blue) Therapies & Personal Development/Human Growth Modalities

8.      Conclusion & The Way Forward – Time to Go and Meet some Feral-Living Horses? Becoming a Rewilding Facilitator? Feedback & Certificate of Completion

Rewilding Nature

If we want to rewild ourselves, our horses, or any other species (or individual), there needs to be enough of an appropriate environment to be rewilded in(to).

Rewilding Ourselves

Rewilding ourselves will not only serve us - our mental, spiritual and physical health - but is a requirement for all other kinds of rewilding. Without it humans will always be a liability to other species and nature at large.

Rewilding "Our" Horses

Not only humans suffer from "modern life". Also our horses are suffering from things like metabolic syndromes, boredom, too little movement, loss of creativity, problem-solving skills etc.

Course Curriculum

  1. Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. The Human and the Lenses We See Through
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. The Horse - Who are They?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. The Human-Horse Relationship
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5. Environment - Umwelt – Nature & Culture
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6. Rewilding - What is it?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7. Nature Assisted Mindfulness (NAM), Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  8. Conclusion & The Way Forward
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Rewilding Facilitator

Katarina Lundgren is an experienced facilitator and educator of nature and equine assisted interventions and trauma sensitive mindfulness. She has been to many places to observe feral-living horses and has given numerous courses and workshops in Rewilding and Learning about “Wild” Horses. She has a strong passion for both human and equine welfare and wellbeing. She is the Director of MiMer Centre and a master’s student in cognitive science, and the history of ideas and science. She is also practicing and studying psychotherapy with an ecological approach. But holds “other ways of knowing” in very high esteem, like experience, intuition, “the knowledge of the hand”, “the knowledge of the heart”, etc. All courses and workshops she facilitates include the use of experiential learning, as well as developing the skillsets of awareness, reflection and critical thinking.

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