Welcome - and Course Information


Welcome to our Rewild Your Heart. Online Introductory Course to Rewilding - Spring Edition 2025. I am happy you found your way here!

How does this work?

The course is structured as an 8 week program with a different (but overlapping) topic for each week.

We meet in zoom meetings every second week to discuss what we are thinking, feeling, wondering about, reflecting on, experienced etc. Before each meeting there is suggested reading to do, sometimes a few video clips, other kinds of inspiration (art, culture) and prompts to ponder and perhaps answer and/or elaborate on. It is up to you how much you prepare yourself, but I think we will have much more interesting discussions if we all prepare at least a bit! And we will all of course bring our own experience of rewilding, nature, horses and ourselves into the discussions.

And please take part in the discussions both in our LIVE SESSIONS and here on the DISCUSSION BOARDS - part of the point of meeting all of us - is that you will find new contacts and even new "rewilding friends" - your network will grow! You decide of course how, much, how often and what you share! Don't feel you have to speak or write a lot - listening and showing up is also a great form of engagement!

Below you see the structure of the course. You also find the dates of our meetings in a specific lecture called LIVE SESSIONS, together with the zoom link.

If you cannot attend a LIVE SESSION, we will record them, and you can watch them later.

For further discussions and networking you can also join our FB-groups:

"Rewilding - Rewild Your Heart" to share, discuss, engage in different ways. You find it here:


Our Equine Welfare and Equine Human Interaction group:


And our Ecotherapy and Eco-mindfulness group:


And our MiMer School study group (for those of you contemplating becoming a MiMer student):



The course officially starts April 2 (But all the material is accessible as soon as you have signed up and it is yours to dive into for a year after the course started). We meet 4 times on zoom to discuss what we read, think, experiment with, what we struggle with in our rewilding journey and what we celebrate. We meet every second week, always on a Wednesday, at 7 PM CET, April 9, April 23, May 7 and May 21.

We will record our meetings - so if you miss one of them, you can watch the recording later.

These are the topics for the 8 weeks:

  1. Introduction - What kind of course is this – and how does it work? Science vs Experience (and other ways of knowing besides science). The ecological approach and Ecodynamics
  2. The Human & the Lenses We See Through - Who are We? Who are You? – Background (What are Your Lenses?). Anthropomorphism – Humanizing. The Human – Our Humanness/Humanity. The Human Animal - and How Animals See Us
  3. The Horse(s) - Who are They? – The Horse – Who is the Horse? As a Study Object – as a Living Subject. What is Equine Welfare? & Wellbeing? Feral-Living Horses - Where are They?
  4. The Human-Horse Relationship – What is a Relationship? The Human-Horse Relationship – Through Space & Time
  5. The Environment - Umwelt – Nature & Culture – Horses as “Other Nations”. Culture – Horse Cultures vs Horse People Cultures – Nature vs Culture. Animal and Nature Ethics - Ethics, Morals, and Guidelines. The Anthropocene
  6. Rewilding - What is it? – Rewilding of Ourselves. Rewilding of Our Horses. Rewilding of the Environment. Rewilding as a Stepwise Process - Where Do I Start?
  7. Nature Assisted Mindfulness (NAM), Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy – Experiential Learning. Ecopsychology & Sustainability. Ecotherapy & Human Mental Health. Other "Green" (or Blue) Therapies & Personal Development/Human Growth Modalities
  8. Conclusion & The Way Forward – Time to Go and Meet some Feral-Living Horses? Becoming a Rewild(ing) Facilitator? Feedback & Certificate of Completion

Welcome! I am very much looking forward to meeting you and have lots and lots of interesting discussions together!


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